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Common Myths About Pet Travel: Part 2

Welcome to part two of our series about common pet travel myths. In part one, we looked at common myths that are specifically about airlines. In this post, we’ll take a look at a few other misconceptions regarding pet travel in general. Myth – Driving Your Pet is Always Better Than Flying We can�

Myth – Driving Your Pet is Always Better Than Flying

We can’t say this is true or false 100% of the time, because it really depends on your pet, the conditions of your car, and the distance traveled.

That being said, if your destination is far enough away that flying is a viable option, your drive will be six to eight hours on the conservative side, potentially taking multiple days, if it’s not somewhere close. Take it from us when we say that, for the well-being of the pet, it’s often better to spend a short amount of time away from you in an airplane, rather than a long amount of time with you in a car. This is true for almost all cats, and for a good portion of dogs, so long as they’ve been prepared for the plane ride.

Myth – It’s Best to Sedate Your Pet to Keep Them Calm

This one is a resounding “no” for a few reasons—first of all, a lot of people who attempt to sedate their pets are woefully underqualified to be giving them medication. Sedation should never be attempted without the express recommendation of a veterinary professional for your specific dog. Don’t just follow a guide online, because you could end up seriously harming your pet.

Furthermore, sedation is only necessary and professionally recommended in rare fringe cases with dogs who have very unique needs. For most dogs, it will actually cause more harm than good, which is a reason why most pet shipping services (Animals Away included) and airlines won’t allow for drugged pets. It’s very simple—just don’t do it!

Myth – I Don’t Need to Prepare My Dog for Air Travel

Some people claim that there’s no need to prepare their dog for air travel because their dog is already used to being alone and they take it well. If this is your understanding, you likely have some misconceptions about dog psychology.

The bottom line is that dogs usually take your absence well when you’ve established a clear pattern in circumstances they’re familiar with. When a dog sees you leave your house every day for work and come back at the same time, they start to build an expectation that, under those specific circumstances, you’ll come back and there’s not a huge need to worry.

When a dog flies, they’ll be riding in an unfamiliar space, separated from you, which can be stressful. But you can do your part—if you get an approved kennel/carrier beforehand, and leave them there from time to time, they will start to recognize that, when they’re in that carrier, you’ll eventually return.

At Animals Away, we can ship your pets, and we do everything in our power to make the trip the best that it can be, but we can’t do everything; if you prepare your dog for their trip, you’ll be doing them a huge favor.

Your Pet Travels Best When You Know the Facts

We hope that you’ve learned some new things about pet travel from this list. Knowledge is power when it comes to your pet having a good trip. If you choose Animals Away pet shipping services, you can rest assured that every last measure has been taken to ensure their safety and comfort. Contact us today for a free quote!


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Domestic Transportation Services

Our services include booking the domestic flight plan, doing our best to get a direct flight if possible. We will obtain the domestic health certificate, and advise on the requirements for air transport. We provide all information needed for travel kennels, and kenneling on either end if necessary. Animals Away will follow and track your pet's travel, making sure your pet arrives home safely.

International Transportation Services

Animals Away specializes in pet transportation services to anywhere in the world. Our passion is taking care of your pet transport needs. Animals Away is known for our international expertise. We are able to handle the international paperwork as well as the government stamping. We advise on the blood work, and vaccinations that are needed for each country. Your dog, cat, or any other pet will be handled with the best of care.

Crates and Kennels

Kennel sizes can vary from brand to brand. We can provide custom size animal shipping containers to accommodate any, and all pet sizes. If you have your own pet carrier click to refer to the dimensions allowed. We use Vari / Petmate brand crates. As long as the dimensions are within an inch or two, and it is a plastic crate with a metal gate, most other brands, with the exception of the Nylabone collapsible, would be fine.